Category Archives: article



stretchings on hip joints

empty bar squat

conventional deadlift, 140kg, 7reps

changed method – Previously, I did not touched the ground. Now I touch the ground every reps.
The video below suggested me to do so.

Last time, I did conventional deadlift 140kg 5reps with former method.
I felt I could do one or more reps this time, but not tried to do so hard.
My hip joints are not fully recovered and making too much change in short period would be stressful.
Ah, stretchings were quite effective on my hip joints.
+I noticed that just sitting down for long time is quiet stressful to my hip joint.

hanging leg raise – 7 5 4



bench press
90kg – 7rep / 4rep
My pectoralis was not fully recovered, did touched the chest.

hanging leg raise
6 x 3
This is my first time to do this.

Practiced back squat against the wall with empty bar lifted

Did some stretchings on hip joint.

I decided to halt squat and deadlift for a while: until my hip joints get right.
I am planning to do several things, like practicing squat against wall, stretchings (to enhance my flexibility and squat depth), abdominal workouts (I have never done this before, but I recognized I need to do for my core balance), kettlebell swings maybe?

This is interesting.

Ah, the reason why I chose hanging leg raise is, first it does not depends on machine, second I believe hanging itself is effective on my hip joints and scoliosis. I am going to try various abdominal workouts and chose one.

One more thing : thinking of doing front squats.